Reconnecting & Rewilding the Heartland

Embracing the Rise-Protecting the Loess Hills for People and Nature
Discover the mutual benefits of conserving the Loess Hills. This handout showcases the direct and indirect advantages of protecting this natural gem, from improved water quality and climate regulation to enhanced economic opportunities through sustainable tourism and agriculture. Gain insights into the interconnectedness of ecosystems and how preserving the Loess Hills creates a healthier and more resilient environment for all.

30 Ways to Rewild with Kids
Empower your children to become passionate protectors of our planet through this invaluable guide. Offering 30 inspiring activities, this single-page resource unlocks a world of rewilding adventures. From planting native wildflowers and cleaning up litter at a local park to building bird feeders and tracking wildlife, each activity ignites a sense of environmental responsibility while providing hands-on experiences that foster a love for nature and its preservation while providing countless cherished memories.

Detailed Mississippi River Watershed Maps
Immerse yourself in the intricate beauty of the Mississippi River watershed with this comprehensive collection of detailed maps. Uncover the dynamic network of rivers, streams, and tributaries that shape this vast ecosystem, while gaining insights into the diverse landscapes, habitats, and ecosystems within the watershed. From the headwaters in Minnesota to the delta in Louisiana, these maps provide a captivating exploration of the region’s geography, hydrology, and cultural significance.