Lawsuit Alert: Superior Bio-Conservancy Challenges USDA’s Role in Decimating Beaver and Otter Communities
PRESS RELEASE June 22, 2023 Superior Bio-Conservancy to File a Lawsuit Against the United States Department of Agriculture for Killing 28,141 Beavers, 1,091 River Otters, and Destroying 14,796 Beaver Dams in 10 Years Funded by the Wisconsin Department of Natural...
Vote in the Wisconsin Conservation Congress’ 2023 Open House Elections and Spring Hearing
Support wildlife friendly delegates and resolutions banning wildlife killing contests and promoting coexistence this April!
Speak out for wolves in Wisconsin!
Attend a virtual public listening session on February 7, 2023 for the proposed Wolf Management Plan and speak in favor of wolf protections.
Protect wolves in Wisconsin!
Submit comments before February 28th to demand a Draft Wolf Management Plan focused on wolf protections (All American citizens encouraged to comment)
Help Stop Federal Legislation to Delist Wolves in the Western Great Lakes!
Help Stop Federal Legislation to Delist Wolves in the Western Great Lakes! Voice Your Opposition to S.1788 and the Delisting of Western Great Lakes’ Wolves Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) recently introduced federal legislation (bill S.1788), which would force the...
Wisconsin Residents: Advocate for Wildlife in Your State by joining the Wisconsin Conservation Congress
Recently, Wisconsin citizens and wildlife were blatantly dismissed by a committee of the only statutory body in the state through which citizens can advise the Department of Natural Resources; the Wisconsin Conservation Congress (WCC). We need you to help advocate for wildlife.
Illinois residents: Help Stop Cruel Wildlife Killing Contests in Illinois!
Every year, Illinois is home to over a dozen cruel and senseless Wildlife Killing Contests (WKCs) throughout the state. Let legislators and IDNR officials know you support agency rule-making to prohibit killing contests!
The WCC remains anti-democratic… but there is hope
Throughout the past year, we have been collaborating with Wisconsin wildlife advocates to challenge the anti-democratic stance and measures of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress leadership and Advisory Committees. Although there is much work left to be done to reform the WCC, we are seeing the beginnings of change due to public and internal pressure.